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Reason axle seal damage and leakage of what?

: admin: 2015-12-11 13:02:26: 103
Rear axle seal leak will gradually reduce the amount of oil inside the bridge, excessive leakage will affect the normal lubrication directly after the bridge, accelerate early mechanical damage, but often spill over into the brake drum, reducing brake effectiveness affect traffic safety, causing the main axle seal leak original
Due to:
① within the rear axle final drive too much fuel, the oil surface than normal height, should release excess oil so oil level is maintained at the standard height.
② axle vent is blocked, with the temperature, pressure, the oil is squeezed out resulting in oil spills.
③ seal aging deterioration, loss of seal, in this case should be replaced.
④ seal and seat hole with loose or in contact with the seal from the axle journal groove wear, pitting, etc., should repair or replace the relevant parts.
⑤ loose wheel bearings or differential bearing Yi Songkuang make axle shake up and down, affecting the seal tightness adjustment should be checked.