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Automotive axles require regular maintenance and inspection to ensure application

: admin: 2019-03-12 9:57:53: 77
The car half shaft is the two connected solid shafts. The role in the car is very important, especially in the process of turning the car, the arc can be controlled, the speed of the left and right wheels plays a very important role in the normal driving of the car, and at the same time in the process of use. Among them, they can also make up for the difference in price based on the speed. In order to make their performance more stable, in fact, there will be a layer of dust jacket on the surface. If the dust jacket is damaged during use, it must be replaced in time. If it is not replaced in time, the cage is very It is easy to enter the water, and the cage is also very afraid of entering the water. If there is water ingress or into the group, the internal wear of the shaft dragon will increase, and even affect their application. Therefore, in order to ensure their application, regular maintenance and overhaul must be done.